A History
Compiled by
Dr. Fritz V.Baugh, GBWC (Creator of the original
Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline)
With the advise and consent of the following GBI Members:
Rosey Collins, GBUK
Iain Bennett, GBUK
Ben King Sr, GBUK
Ben King Jr. GBUK
Roger Johnson, GBUKGS
Dr. Jeff Chrismer, GBWC/GBNS
Dr. Vincent Belmont, GBAD
Bo Holbrook, GBNS
Jen Spengler, GBNS
Rich Roy, DGO
Adam C. Bestler, GBInd
Senator Ron Daniels (R-GA)
Salina Duran, GBDP
Kevin Kemarly, OGB
Dr. CJ London, GBDP
Rachel Leavenworth, GBWC Spirit Liason
Bill Malkin, GBNJ
Mick Neilson, GBSC
Dr. Kyle Peterson, WNCGB
Rose Prevost, GBWC Client Administrator
Dr. Steve Reeves, GBVA:RD
Cliff Roswell, GBInd/GBUK
Janine Melnitz Spengler, GBNY Client Administrator
And from the original Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline:
Dr. Matthew Riddle
Dr. Brian Reilly, ECTO Canada
Rev. Vincent Crapello, GBNOMAD
Chris Buchner, NYPD
"Doctor Spectrum"
"Princess Artemis"
After most events will be a citation in [brackets]; this details which canon the event came from and/or affects. Some may have more than one citation, detailing a "mixed" event or one important to more than one franchise. These are what those shorthands mean:
HA: Denotes an item of "real" Historical Account
Official Columbia/Sony Sources
GB1: Ghostbusters (1984)
GB2: Ghostbusters 2 (1989)
RGB: The Real Ghostbusters (1986-1991)
XGB: Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)
GBI: The Ghostbusters International role playing games published by West End Games (1986-1991?)
Now: The Real Ghostbusters comics published by Now (1988-1993)
88MPH: Ghostbusters comics by 88MPH Studios (2004-2005)
iB: Novel published by iBooks (2004)
Fan Sources
GBOT: Fan Fictions of the original and Extreme Ghostbusters following the Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline
GBNS: Ghostbusters Nightsquad
GBAD: Ghostbusters Arcane Division
GBUK: Ghostbusters UK; GBUK Graveyard Shift
GBWC: Ghostbusters West Coast
GBTN: Ghostbusters Tennessee/East Tennessee Ghostbusters/Middle Tennessee Ghostbusters
GBNJ: Ghostbusters New Jersey/JerZee Ghostbusters
OGB: Onarga Ghostbusters
GBDP: Ghostbusters Doom Patrol
GBInd: Ghostbusters Independant; unaffiliated agents and Freelance operatives
NOMAD: Ghostbusters NOMAD
GBSC: Ghostbusters South Coast/Ghostbusters Tampa Division
WNCGB: Western North Carolina Ghostbusters
GBVA: Ghostbusters Virginia
Prehistory-1982; Events before the founding of Ghostbusters Inc. and GBI.
(Corresponds to the same era in the original Timeline)
Years One-Fourteen, 1983-1996; Ghostbusters was off to a rolling start, but things weren't always easy.
(Corresponds to Eras 1 and 2 of the original Timeline)
Year Fifteen, 1997-Present; With the return of Ghostbusters New York in 1997, GBI began it's most prosperous (and profitable) era of all, nine years and still counting. Franchises all over the place! Take a look here!
(Expands Era 3 of the Original Timeline)
2008-On; Due to the occassional presence of time travellers in Ghostbusters cases, we have a few furtive glimpses of what the future might bring...
(Expands Era 3 of the Original Timeline)
The semi-famous document that started it all, the in-depth history of the Original Ghostbusters
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